Upon completion of this training program, the Hazardous Materials Responder assigned to illicit laboratory incidents and working with law enforcement personnel shall be able to analyze the incident to determine the possibility of criminal intent. Once the analysis is complete, the participant shall be able to conduct a hazard/risk assessment and develop and implement a… Continue reading Hazardous Materials Response to Illicit Labs
Author: admin
Air Monitoring – Florida Technician Specific
Air Monitoring – Florida Technician Specific
Hazardous Materials Sampling Techniques
During this program, the hazardous materials responder who has been previously trained to operate in appropriate personnel protective equipment will be presented with multiple exercises involving contained or dispersed unidentified substances. Using techniques presented in this class, participants will demonstrate the ability to consistently collect representative samples that can be used for advanced analysis or… Continue reading Hazardous Materials Sampling Techniques
Hazardous Materials Technician: Law Enforcement
Hazardous Materials Technician: Law Enforcement
Hazardous Materials Technician Train-the-Trainer
Hazardous Materials Technician Train-the-Trainer
Rapid Risk Assessment of Hazardous Materials
Upon completion of this inservice, given both identified and un-identified hazardous materials, the participant will be able to rapidly identify the fire, reactivity, health and radioactivity risks associated with the substance. haz026-rapid-risk-assessment-course-info
Offensive NG and LPG Leak Control (Blended)
Offensive NG and LPG Leak Control (Blended)
Hospital Emergency Department HazMat
Hospital Emergency Department HazMat
HazMat First Receiver (Blended)
HazMat First Receiver (Blended)
Air Monitoring & Analysis In-Service
This program is designed to provide the participants with an understanding of the basic principles and proper use of specific air monitoring/detection instruments during hazardous materials emergency response to transportation and fixed facility incidents. This program is scheduled for 1 day of classroom and hands-on instruction involving working with the equipment in a table top… Continue reading Air Monitoring & Analysis In-Service