Safety Officer – Not Just a Position


Responding to a hazmat incident requires specialized training. However, serving as a safety officer at a hazmat incident requires a specialized knowledge base. OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120(q)(3)(vii) – states that “the individual in charge of the ICS shall designate a safety officer, who is knowledgeable in the operations being implemented…”. This “knowledgeable” Safety Officer has the specific responsibility to identify and evaluate hazards and to provide direction with respect to the safety of operations. Personnel being assigned to a safety officer position shall be trained to recognize risk and understand the principles for minimizing the risks to response personnel. NFPA 472 “Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials/WMD Incident” provides specific training competencies for personnel are assigned to that role.

Response Technologies completed the development and pilot delivery of a 16-hour training program specifically designed to meet the training need. “Assistant Safety Officer: Hazardous Materials (ASO:HM)” meets both the NFPA standard as well as the organizational considerations of NIMS command structure were the ASO:HM functions in concert with the Incident Safety Officer. During the program the participant is trained to identify analyze risks within a hazard area and to determine the means to minimize those risks.

This program is currently available to be delivered to your organization or region. Additional course information can be found at Assistant Safety Officer: Hazardous Materials or by contacting Response Technologies at or by calling 941-371-7849.

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